Renaming functions

Hi is there a way for renaming functions?
i have for example this:

func @x () {

and would like to change it to

func @x_1 () {

Functions are symbols, you can call SymbolTable::setSymbolName(operation, "new_name").

Thanks a lot!. i am looking to not only rename the function but all the use cases. i tried using something like:

    for (auto & user : functionOp->getUsers()){
      SymbolTable::setSymbolName(user, functionName);
      SymbolTable::setSymbolName(functionOp, functionName);

The MLIR syntax is

func @x() {

func @main () {
call @x() : () -> ()
call @x() : () -> ()
call @x() : () -> ()
call @x() : () -> ()

functionOp->getUsers() is iterating through the SSA def-use, you need to us SymbolTable::getSymbolUses to traverse symbolic uses.